15 min read

The impact of human factors in healthcare

Diane Burns - Author First published: Last updated:

The value of Human Factors for the NHS is not to be overlooked. Human Factors - often referred to as Ergonomics - focuses on evaluating a person’s influence in relation to their environment. Its ‘Continuous Improvement’ methodology offers an approach that improves ‘quality and safety’ (Ives & Hillier, N. D.: Health Education England (HEE), N.Da.: Wilson, 2014). In a clinical setting it is essential to work more efficiently so that patients can benefit. We can then develop safer systems to improve patient safety, precision and care (Ives & Hillier, N.D: England NHS.UK, N.D).)

Human Factors has its origins in the aviation profession where precision and safety are essential guiding principles (UK Aviation Authority, N.D: East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust (ELHT), N.D.). Their recognition was born out of the need to minimise the possibility of catastrophic errors leading to accidents that could potentially endanger life. As a nurse the link to

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Diane Burns