Society & culture
10 min read
Overcoming the language barrier: my experience of translating for patients

Communication is a human need and language is the means we use to communicate with others, from relaying a simple message to expressing our thoughts and feelings. In addition to this, language itself can range from verbal (speaking using sound) to nonverbal (sign language and Makaton).
Communication is a first-year module that every student nurse is sure to encounter. It is an important subject for most professions but does not necessarily receive the desired amount of interest, as its theory can at times seem dull. Nonetheless, my time on clinical placements in different wards emphasised the importance of communication and how it shapes service users’ experiences.
Personal Experience
Growing up in a multicultural place like Gibraltar, I have been exposed to a multitude of cultures and languages owing to its rich history and location. Most residents are bilingual—English and Spanish can be interchanged in the same sentence. Being
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Rahma Safouan
Rahma Safouan is a student nurse.