5 min read

Nursing tools and strategies to assess cognition and confusion

Jasmine Walter - Content Editor First published: Last updated:


Terms used to describe a patient’s mental state, such as ‘confused’, are often considered to be ambiguous and the meaning personal to individuals describing what they observe.

Cognitive deficits are often subtle in their presentation and can easily be overlooked in the arena of acute nursing, with its focus on physical status. Clinicians are reported as not adequately assessing cognitive status and yet such deficits may impact on a patient’s activities of living at all levels. Identification of alterations in a patient’s mental status is important in maintaining patient safety and dignity.This article aims to review bedside assessment of a patient’s mental status and the implications for nursing practice.

One of the most often referred to assessment tools is the MiniMental Status Examination (MMSE) (Folstein et al, 1975). The MMSE was originally developed to evaluate the cognitive abilities of psychiatric patients. The MMSE measures orientation, attention, registration, calculation, recall,

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Jasmine Walter

Jasmine Walter is a Content Editor at Mark Allen Group, working across a range of healthcare journals. She worked at an open access scientific publishing company for three years before joining MAG. She now writes and edits content for BJN Inform.