5 min read

How can all nurses support parenting?

Elaine Walls - Author First published: Last updated:

Supporting parents is seen mainly within UK practice as the role of specific community workers, such as health visitors, school nurses and social workers. The families that are known to these services have often experienced long-term difficulties and been in contact with many other health professionals before intervention starts. There is an ever-increasing need for parenting interventions to support children and families across all settings. The year-on-year rise in children and young people with poor mental health, and those who demonstrate dysfunctional behaviours and crime, evidence the need for early help by all professionals in contact with families. Nurses and healthcare practitioners across all areas of practice are able to contribute to the welfare of children, families and society by having increased awareness of who can provide support and how. Recognising early signs of negative parenting practices, offering guidance and referring for early help with parenting interventions may help address

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Elaine Walls