Holistic care - the role of gender

The focus of this article will be to explore gender within the context of holistic care. While the paradigm of holistic care is the basis for this article, the influence of how gender impacts on the founding principles of nursing will be examined.
What is a holistic approach to care?
There are a number of different definitions of holism and holistic. The American Holistic Association (1998) defines a holistic approach to nursing as one that has ‘the healing of the whole person’ as its goal. Similarly, the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC, 2018a; 2018b) highlights the promotion of safe and compassionate care that incorporates a whole person approach. It is important for nurses to understand that managing the whole person is not just the management of disease (Russell, 2016).
Holistic care is a comprehensive model of caring that recognises that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts,
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