Faith-sensitive end of life care for children, young people and their families

Claire Camara - Lecturer Pre-Registered Children’s Nursing, Northumbria University Leah Rosengarten - Author First published: Last updated:

The care provided to families during the end of life can have a lasting impact of the friends and relatives (Ross et al, 2018). Over the past decade, between 900 and 1100 children between the ages of one and 15 years have died every year in England and Wales (Office for National Statistics (ONS), 2021). For families, the death of a child can be devastating (Al Mutair et al, 2019) and there remains disparity in care for cultural minorities during palliative care (Reese et al, 2004).

Religion is important for many families to varying degrees throughout any care, but it can be particularly important during birth and death (Bülow et al, 2012); families have the right to care that considers, respects and takes into account their culture, including their faith-based practices (Chan et al, 2011; Al Mutair et al, 2019). It has been identified that the death of a relative

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Claire Camara

Leah Rosengarten