10 min read

Surviving on a basic wage

John Fowler - Educational Consultant First published: Last updated:

Throughout my working life friends have asked me for advice on the possibilities of a nursing career for themselves or for their children, as they begin to explore career options. I try to give an overview of the positive aspects of nursing: variety of work, people-focused, teamworking, opportunities for travel and flexibility of employment. I'll also include the less positive aspects: shiftwork, physical and emotional exhaustion, being surrounded by illness and grief, hopefully, giving an honest balance and an indication of the qualities needed to survive and enjoy a nursing career.

If I know the person well, I'll try to explore with them their strengths and how they would be able to use them in their nursing role. Whoever I'm talking to I will nearly always end the conversation with the phrase,

‘as a nurse, you will never be rich, but you will never be poor’.

You'll never be rich,

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John Fowler

Explores how to survive your nursing career.