10 min read

Nursing ethics - an introduction

Diane Burns - Author First published: Last updated:

The origin of ethics

Ethics are central to every decision that nurses make. All nurses should respect the patient and protect their rights by creating a constructive environment founded on respect and trust. Nurses are entrusted with crucial information and work as part of a team to provide care for their patients. It is the nurse’s responsibility to understand and acquire relevant knowledge to safeguard patients with every decision that they make (Haddad and Geiger, 2022).

This article provides an overview of the ethical principles that nurses can use to develop and reaffirm their knowledge. Nurses are entrusted with great responsibility when caring for patients, especially when these patients are at their most vulnerable; so the principles of ethics are integral to nursing care.

Key terms

As the term 'ethics' and 'morals' are often used interchangeably, it is important that these are defined.

Morals – a set of deeply

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Diane Burns