Navigating student incivility and zero-tolerance policies in higher education institutions

Sarah Butler - Lecturer, Faculty of Health Science, University of Hull First published:


In recent years, higher education institutions have faced increasing challenges with student incivility, which can manifest in various forms, such as disruptive behaviour in class, disrespect towards faculty and peers, and academic dishonesty (Vural and Bacıoğlu, 2020). Student incivility disrupts the educational environment and undermines the integrity of academic institutions. This article explores the complexities of student incivility and the implications of adopting a zero-tolerance approach in academic environments. 

Understanding student incivility

Student incivility refers to behaviours that disrupt the educational process and create a hostile environment, ranging from minor infractions, such as inattentiveness or tardiness, to severe actions, such as cheating, bullying or verbal abuse (Bjorklund and Rehling, 2010). The causes of these behaviours include: 

Academic pressure and personal issues

The intense demands of coursework, exams and high grades can create a high-stress environment for students, leading to anxiety, burnout and other mental health issues, which can manifest as disruptive behaviours. Personal issues, such as family concerns, financial difficulties or social conflicts, can cause stress and negatively impact students’ mental health.

Mental health disorders

Symptoms such as depression, anxiety and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may affect a student’s ability to focus, interact with peers and instructors, and adhere to classroom standards. Without adequate support and understanding, students with mental health problems may be more susceptible to incivility (Reavley and Jorm, 2010). 

Lack of engagement

Disinterest in the course material or teaching methods can contribute to student incivility. When students find the content irrelevant, uninteresting or disconnected from their personal goals and experiences, they are less likely to be motivated and more likely to disengage. Teaching methods that fail to attract students’ attention or meet different learning styles can exacerbate student incivility (Barkley and Major, 2020).

Cultural and social factors

Diverse backgrounds and social dynamics contribute to how students interact with peers and faculty. Cultural norms regarding communication styles, authority and acceptable behaviour can vary widely, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts. Language barriers and social dynamics, such as peer relationships and group identities, can further complicate educational interactions.

The impact of incivility

The repercussions of student incivility extend far beyond the individuals who are directly involved, impacting the entire academic community: 

  • For students: incivility can result in penalties such as lower grades, disciplinary actions, or even suspension and expulsion. Students who engage in uncivil behaviour can often experience isolation and strained relationships with their peers and faculty (Bjorklund and Rehling, 2010)
  • For academics: managing disruptive behaviour imposes a significant burden, resulting in diverting time and energy from instructional activities. This can lead to increased stress and job dissatisfaction among educators (Vural and Bacıoğlu, 2020)
  • For academic institutions: persistent student incivility poses a significant threat to the institution’s reputation and operational effectiveness, leading to lower enrolment numbers and financial instability (Hirschy and Braxton, 2005)

Zero-tolerance policies

Zero-tolerance policies are strict enforcement strategies designed to impose predetermined consequences for specific offenses (Skiba et al, 2002). In academic settings, these policies aim to reduce incivility by implementing severe penalties for actions such as cheating, plagiarism, harassment and classroom disruptions. The rationale includes deterrence, consistency and ensuring safety and respect within the academic community. 

The debate on zero tolerance

While zero-tolerance policies are designed to promote a disciplined and respectful academic environment, they are not without limitations: 

  • Lack of flexibility: can lead to disproportionate punishment that fails to consider individual circumstances or intent, leading to perceptions of unfairness and injustice
  • Potential for inequity: zero-tolerance policies may disproportionately affect marginalised students, worsening existing inequalities within the educational system (Skiba et al, 2002)
  • Focus on punishment over education: emphasising punitive measures can hinder the education and rehabilitation of students who exhibit uncivil behaviour (Osher et al, 2010)

Balancing discipline and support

To effectively address student incivility, a balanced approach that combines clear consequences with supportive interventions is essential:

  • Establish and communicate expectations: by making expectations transparent, students are more likely to understand what is required of them and the consequences of their actions (Morrissette, 2001)
  • Provide robust support systems: resources for mental health, academic support and conflict resolution can help students manage stress and engage positively with their academic environment
  • Implement restorative practices: restorative justice approaches focus on repairing harm and promoting understanding rather than enforcing purely punitive measures  
  • Equip lecturers with skills to manage difficult behaviours: faculty training can help lecturers to recognise and respond to incivility effectively (Ali and Gracey, 2013)
  • Implement inclusive and fair disciplinary measures: policies should be designed to be fair, considering the diverse backgrounds and needs of the student population (Banks and Banks, 2013)

By balancing discipline with support, educational institutions can address student incivility more effectively, promoting a respectful and engaging learning environment.


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Bjorklund WL, Rehling DL. Student perceptions of classroom incivility. Coll Teach. 2010;58(1):15–18. 

Hirschy AS, Braxton JM. Effects of student classroom incivilities on students. New Dir Teach Learn. 2005;99:67–76.  

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Sarah Butler