Clinical supervision: part one

Ian Peate - Professor of Nursing and Editor in Chief of British Journal of Nursing (BJN) First published: Last updated:


Clinical supervision is a crucial component of nursing, which facilitates professional development, supports the delivery of high-quality care and promotes growth and wellbeing (Royal College of Nursing (RCN), 2022).

This is the first article of a two-part series on clinical supervision, which discusses the fundamentals of clinical supervision, including its definition, function and importance, as well as planning and delivery. Part two highlights the role of the supervisor, the importance of reflective practice and evaluation of supervision.

What is clinical supervision?

The RCN (2022) noted there is no single unifying definition of clinical supervision, its purpose and means of implementation in nursing. Skills for Care (2020) defined supervision as ‘an accountable process which supports, assures and develops the knowledge skills and values of an individual, group or team’.

In nursing, supervision is a structured and supportive process designed to enhance professional development and practice. The primary goal of nursing

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Ian Peate